Monday, November 9, 2009

Quarter Final Game

Since moving back up north I was able to actually get to a couple field hockey games for my high school, Newfound Regional. This game was the quarter final game against Sommersworth. It was a really good game.

Running back to help out

Oh, overshot the ball a little bit.

She is little, not THAT scary!

Total control of the ball and the field.

Kristen & Dan

I met Kristen and Dan from an ad on craigslist, I know it could've been creepy. They were looking for a photographer for their wedding the Saturday after I saw the ad. For some reason I just had a feeling about the ad, so I emailed them, showed them my website. Kristen called me about 20 minutes after I sent the email. I was still a little iffy about it, but after talking with her and reading her wedding website I realized this would be a great couple. They had such a cute story on how they met, and how he proposed.
They were getting married on Hampton Beach by the Mariner's Memorial with their reception to follow at a club/bar that they loved so much. When I got to the house she was getting married at it was pouring out, but I don't think I've seen a more happy bride. She had a huge smile on her face the entire day.

Here are a couple shots of her getting ready.
Her niece worked on putting beading on her veil. It came out really well. It looked like one you would spend a lot of money on at a bridal shop.
Helping her Dad put on his boutonniere. I don't think he could have been more proud.

Once it did come time for the ceremony, one of their friends had put up a tent for the wedding party and all the guests had their own umbrellas so no one got wet (except for me because I stepped into quite a large puddle.) During the ceremony it was pouring, but isn't there a saying that it is good luck to rain on your wedding day?
The rain stopped long enough to do their formals on the boardwalk overlooking the ocean. It really was a pretty day.

Looking off into the ocean and forever together..

Their cake was a very yummy spice cake. I loved the cake topper. You can't really see it in this photo, but the bride is dragging the groom to the alter.

Apparently all of them love doing Karaoke. There was a portion of their reception that different people would come up and sing/Karaoke love song for them. It was really cute.

They really were a great couple. So in love and so happy with each other. It is couples like this that make me want to do wedding photography. I really believe, as well as Kristen & Dan, that things happen for a reason.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Natalie's Trash the Dress

I've been wanting to do some Trash the Dress pictures for quite awhile. None of the brides I knew were really comfortable with it. The first thing they though of was literally trashing or ripping their dress, so that is totally understandable. Then I remembered my sister had a couple dresses left over from prom that she wasn't doing anything with and that my sister is a natural in front of the camera. I knew a perfect spot in Manchester, near the river and an overpass. (Not going to tell where it is though!!)

Here are some with her first dress. The colors just looks so good together!!

Here are some with her yellow dress. She honestly did all this stuff on her own. All I did was say where I wanted the picture and clicked the shutter, she did all the posing and facial expressions on her own.

Her last dress was my favorite. It looked the most like a wedding dress, but it was just so pretty and elegent. Since it was elegent I think it would look awesome with some work boots. Then I figured we had to use the river at some point and this dress would be the best suited for it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Amanda & Noodles

Another girl I work with wanted me to do some updated "senior-type" pictures of her for her family and wanted some of her puppy, a Min-Pin named Noodles. Every time she called her dog's name I laughed, it was just such a perfect name for her.

Here is Amanda and Noodles! Momma loves her puppy!

Playing with a piece of grass. Noodles just really loved jumping for it.

She finally got it and is now looking like, "Yeaasss?"

Here are some of her senior portrait type pictures. I really like the way they came out.

Her best buddy, Joey, was there to help with Noodles while we were taking the pictures. So of course we had to do a couple with him.

Flynn Family

One of the other girls I work with saw one of my photography magazines one day and saw a picture of a little girl with a tu-tu that she wanted me to try to re-create it with her daughter (who I've apparently been photographing from when she was a baby.) So the purpose of the photos was to recreate the picture, but I figured I'd do some family pictures too.

So this is the picture I recreated. She loved being allowed to jump on the couch.

I just love this pose!
Little angel? Hmm...I don't think so.
I think this is one of my most favorite shots ever!

A little personality showing through?
Daddy helping me fly!!
Sisterly love!
I love this family picture!!
Girls just want to have fun!!
Heading over to get some ice cream!

Hmmm...what to get...what to get...
She was a little sad she couldn't get right into her treat!

Really cute picture of them as a family. Love the idea of them walking away.

Mina & Mike Announcements

One of the girls I work with, Mina, and her husband wanted to have some photos done of them so they could make some marriage announcements. They have been together for 10 years, and got married in Vegas in February. They planned on having a big party/reception to celebrate in Maine during the summer. So these photos are engagement/wedding announcements.
They're a very fun couple and let me do whatever I wanted. They said to "have fun." So I did. I took some traditional ones, but I couldn't help but succumb to some photos in some of the old mill buildings. One of the buildings was being renovated, so we did a little trespassing, but it was worth the risk of getting caught!